get some feedback .js

The simplest way to get feedback on your site
A 100% javascript solution
A finished work and/or a template

How does it work ?

getsomefeedback.js is a tiny javascript which adds a feedback button and form to your page.

Can I see it in action ?

Sure. I have added getsomefeedback.js in this page.
Click on the feedback button - on the bottom right corner of the page - and write anything. Then check what happens on the server side's pretend-monitor below.

How do I customize it ?

Feedback forms vary greatly and each website has its own requirement on how to integrate them. The best way to customize this script is to go and adapt this script for your site. I worked very hard to make the code as simple as possible.

Do I need to add any logic on my web server ?

No, this solution is a client side solution. Clearly, we expect you to be able to run searches on the server side logs.
server-side's pretend monitor
Written By Lorenzo Puccetti - Download it from github